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(1) 著書

1. 太陽光発電 ~最新の技術とシステム~ (CMC books)
2.8 「CIS太陽電池」 pp. 85-97
(ISBN 4-88231-087-2 浜川 圭弘編, シ-エム-シ-, 2000年9月).

(2) 解説・報告論文

1. 「第12回3元及び多元化合物国際会議(ICTMC-12)報告」
Crystal Letters No.12 pp.2-3 (2000).
2. リポート国際会議「第16回欧州太陽光発電国際会議報告 (16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition)
OPTONEWS 2000 No.4 (通巻118号), 29-30 (2000).
3. 「CuInSe2系薄膜太陽電池の開発動向」
科学と工業 74, 313-320 (2000).
4.リポート国際会議「E-MRS2000-Symposium N: Thin Film Chalcogenide Photovoltaic Materials-」
OPTONEWS 2000 No.5 (通巻119号) 26-28 (2000).

(3) 原著論文

1. “Physical Vapor Deposition of Hexagonal and Tetragonal CuIn5Se8 Thin Films”
N. Kohara, S. Nishiwaki, T. Negami, and T. Wada
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39, 6316-6320 (2000). (DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.39.6316)
2. “Physics and Chemistry in Physical Vapor Deposition of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films”
T. Wada, S. Nishiwaki, N. Kohara, T. Negami, S. Niki, R. Suzuki, T. Ohdaira, S. Ishibashi, and A. Yamada
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39, Suppl. 39-1, pp.8-13. (URL: http://jjap.jsap.jp/link?JJAPS/39S1/8/)
3. “Control of Intrinsic Defects in CuInSe2 Films for Device Applications”
S. Niki, R. Suzuki, S. Ishibashi, T. Ohdaira, P. J. Fons, A. Yamada, H. Oyanagi and T. Wada
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39, Suppl. 39-1, pp.149-154.(URL: http://jjap.jsap.jp/link?JJAPS/39S1/149/)
4. “Preparation of Zn Doped Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films by Physical Vapor Deposition”
S. Nishiwaki, T. Satoh, Y. Hashimoto, S. Shimakawa, S. Hayashi, T. Negami and T. Wada
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39, Suppl. 39-1, pp.155-157.(URL: http://jjap.jsap.jp/link?JJAPS/39S1/155/)
5. “Stabilization of Manufactuaring Process of CIGS Solar Cell with Treatments of CIGS Surface by In and S Containing Solution”
Y. Hashimoto, S. Nishiwaki, T. Negami and T. Wada
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39, Suppl. 39-1, pp.415-417.(URL: http://jjap.jsap.jp/link?JJAPS/39S1/415/)
6. “Physical Vapor Deposition of Hexagonal and Tetragonal CuIn5Se8 Thin Films”
N. Kohara, S. Nishiwaki, T. Negami and T. Wada
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.39, 6316-6320 (2000). (DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.39.6316)
7.”Electrical properties of the Cu(In,Ga)Se2/ MoSe2/Mo structure”
N. Kohara, , S. Nishiwaki, Y. Hashimoto, T. Negami and T. Wada
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 67, 209-215 (2001).(http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0927-0248(00)00283-X)
8.”Preparation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films from Cu-Se/In-Ga-Se Precursors for High Efficiency Solar Cells”
S. Nishiwaki, T. Satoh, S. Hayashi, Y. Hashimoto, S. Shimakawa, T. Negami and T. Wada
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 67, 217-223 (2001).(http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0927-0248(00)00284-1)
9. “High Efficiency CIGS Solar Cells with Modified CIGS Surface”
T. Wada, Y. Hashimoto, S. Nishiwaki, T. Sato, S. Hayashi, T. Negami and H. Miyake
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 67, 305-310 (2001).(http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0927-0248(00)00296-8)
10. “Preparation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films at Low Substrate Temperatures”
S. Nishiwaki, T. Satoh, Y. Hashimoto, T. Negami and T. Wada
J. Mater. Res. 16, No.2, 394-399 (2001).(DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/JMR.2001.0059)


1. “Development of High Efficiency Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells”
T. Wada, S. Nishiwaki, Y. Hashimoto and T. Negami
Proc. of the 3rd Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Photovoltaics (Pusan, Korea, October 30-31, 2000) pp. 91-97.
2.” Effect of PVD condition on Quality of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films”
T. Wada , S. Nishiwaki, Y. Hashimoto and T. Negami
Proceeding of 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (held at Glasgow, UK), pp.329-332 (2000).